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f r p, composite, structure, office, rooftopoffice rooftop, f r p grating, molded gratingmicro mesh, molded grating, g r p, office rooftop, recreational area

Project Specs:

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Application: Rooftop Recreational Area for Employees with Pets

Product: Vi-Corr® Micro-Mesh® Grating with Bison Grating Pedestals




In January 2019, Fibergrate Composite Structures added to its client list an award-winning, family owned business established in Grand Rapids, Michigan since 1876. Recognized throughout the United States for being pioneers in the household cleaning industry and more recently for implementing their “Bring your pet to work” initiative.


When the client started the “Bring your pet to work” project, an outdoor area was assigned on the rooftop of their corporate office so that employees’ pets had a space to walk, relieve themselves, and socialize with other pets. However, finding the proper materials for this project would be a challenge since Grand Rapids is a city with a rainy climate and where snowfall is very common. It was also required that the material used for this construction was able to resist the acids released in the urine of the animals and to be lightweight to avoid any damage to the rooftop.


Due to the nature of this project, the engineering firm working on the construction of this area suggested to the client Fibergrate® products. But it was not until our sales representative made an in-depth investigation that it was determined that the ideal material for this project would be the Vi-Corr Micro-Mesh grating with Bison pedestals as support.

The materials were selected by our sales representative alongside our team of engineers; as this resin is resistant to the corrosion that damages traditional materials after acids in the urine of animals touch the surface and considering that this project is on the rooftop of their Headquarters, our material was light enough not to damage the structure of the building. Furthermore, Vi-Corr Micro-Mesh grating does not allow water from rain or melted snow to stagnate on the roof, saving our client thousands of dollars in repairs in the long term. The superior characteristics of Fibergrate’s fiberglass products eliminate the need for maintenance and provide for years of trouble-free service. This installation demonstrates Fibergrate’s ability to adapt to any market while showcasing quality, exceptional customer service, and custom-made solutions for every single one of their clients.

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